Sunday, August 20, 2006

Jing Jingle Bells...

jingle goes the goat bell,
the big ole hound is back,
hear him near the back door,

probably been stealing the cats food,
and now is trying to sneak his way in,
to lay before the fan,
for it has been a warm night,
still this did not keep him,
from running with all his might,
after some sent, on the KCS line,

and down to the pond where he splashes,
as if this will cool him off,
yesterday we went to Beaumont,
to see the Celtic Nations Benefit,
for it will be in Lake Charles this year,
him being a red hound, he has to be celtic,

its just after midnight, he's in early,
guess he got tired of running the fence,
or else the coons sent him packing....

byline by roper-the-cowdog...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Disregard What RoscoeBeauregard Says

I was acquired outside Fletchers Feed Store there in Sulphur, this one who thinks he is a cowboy, just because he has a big ole dodge ram, with a big ole ranch bumper with a cowbell on front...lord a mercy, what some will do to get attention...and has had this Redbone Hound for around 6 years...that he got from the County of Sonoma Shelter...and the two have travel across the USA until some woman from the Houston River Equisteran Center threw me into this mess...and thus, I have became both the designated driver and caretaker of the both of them...You can see me on the highway with my ears and nose out of the window, constantly on guard that the road is not being over ran by Bovines or Bison...oh yes, where is that precious...dear hound...hes piled up in bed...I can hear his goat bell as he scratches another flea loose, which I have to bite to pieces when I finally get a chance to get into that big four posted bed...actually, its an old metal bed, which squeaks as that hound gets in and out at night to parade his...up and down the fence line after some scent, returning around daylight from his rambles and then climbs into bed and sleeps all day...I rather go out into the pasture and play with the mule and least they dont get into brush and briars...and run up to chase the mule too, hes slow though, and the ass....he wants to kick me with his front hooves...I love to snatch the day old bread from under his mouth and run with it...I am still quicker than those hooves....